Lest We Forget .......
2016 . . .
- Earl T. Shaffer
- Al St. Lawrence . US Air Force, Chatham County Police & Sheriff Departments
- Duane "Digger" Wood . US Navy
- Herbert "Bert" Hubbard . US National Guard
- Owen "Sonny" Strickland . ROTC, US Navy, US Narcotics Bureau, CIA, US Treasury Dept ATF, US Marshalls Service
A Community Of Support ...
We invite all to take a moment and visit our Memorial Park- it is a place where one may sit on the bench and possibly reflect upon what this symbolizes. There is a certain calm here ... The bronze plaques capture the names of our local brave souls, acknowledgments to those men and women whose services were involved in conflicts into the current day. Our gratitude for all who serve us includes those in blue- Tybee's fallen police officers.
Our community, near and far, have chosen to support this Memorial Park and The Tybee Island Circle of Freedom through the purchase of our commemorative bricks encircling the base of the monument. Individuals, families, engrave their names of loved one's or, they purchase a brick with their names although they may have never served. If you would like to have your own brick supporting the memorial and monument please let us know! We welcome all!

A group of very hard working members of the community have worked long and hard to create and remake this significant monument honoring all service men and women who have selflessly given all of us, the American community, the opportunity to live in a democratic society.

Davis DeLoach . July 25, 1949 - December 14, 2016
A.O.P.A. - Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association
Tybee Island Sons of American Legion Squadron 154

Our Members .......

Captain John Royce Woodard . A Reflection Of Our Member, Our Friend
Memorial Park on Tybee Island Georgia is home to the Tybee Island Veteran's Circle of Freedom Memorial Monument that enshrines and encompasses brave souls from each branch of our services. It is a representation of a community that stands proudly together supporting all that this nation represents- love of family, freedom for all.

. . . May He Rest In Peace . . .
Sadly We Lost Bill Lindner To The Heavens Above His Family Has Requested In Lieu Of Flowers To Kindly Donate
To Post 154 In His Honor.
. . . Please Make Checks To Post 154 Tybee Island American Legion . . . include a notation it is in memory of Bill Lindner.
Mail To: PO Box 1225 Tybee Island GA 31328, ATT: Commander Ron Vollmer