In the beginning this was a dedicated group . . .

he men of American Legion Post 154 invited
the ladies of Tybee Island to join the legion
family by establishing Tybee Island American
Legion Auxiliary Unit 154 in January, 1941.
The first president was Mrs.Nell V. Devine
presiding January 21, 1941 - October 1942.
The slideshow viewed below are pages taken from the original notebook.

The cover of the ALA Unit 154 first notebook is seen above.
To view additional, original, scanned pages from the notebook please see the pdf file below. We hope you find this glimpse of Unit 154's legacy as interesting.
If you have any related pieces of memorabilia we invite you to share them!
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Savannah Beach Unit 154 Established January 1941 and Past Presidents


Lillian Brown . President 2016-2017
Acknowledging her appointment and future goal projection
for Tybee Island American Legion Auxiliary Unit 154

Unit 154, the legacy continues thru 2020 . . .
past presidents, their goals, their thought.
. . . We look forward to all future president goals and their thoughts when they provide it. . .

Wanda Kindrick
President 2015-2016
Acknowledging her appointment and future goal projection
for Tybee Island American Legion Auxiliary Unit 154

Wanda's Acknowledgement Upon Her Election In 2017 and Future Goals For ALA Unit 154

The first members of Unit 154 typed entries in a notebook documenting their volunteer efforts for the community and veterans causes.
This wonderful piece of history reveals an interesting timeline of events the ladies provided and the challenges of maintaining a working budget. Many of these events are still provided by Unit 154 today.